How Do You Know Which Email Service Provider To Choose?

Sometimes it can be tough trying to figure out which email marketing service to go with. This is the most basic of IM strategies, and yet so many marketers avoid creating their list for marketing. You may have an idea that you need to subscribe to one of these services, and it’s essential to do this. What we have taken the time to do here is offer our mini reviews of three email marketing service providers.

Send Grid is consistently considered to be one of the top ten email marketing service providers on the market. A lot of good impressions and good will has been established and maybe it’s because they are relatively new. And the introductory rates are excellent, so you will be able to afford this service with no problems. But the thing about this particular service is they want you to spend close to $100 for a subscription that is way more than you want to have. Be sure you swing by Aweber, and it is an unusual name but that’s no problem and does not reflect negatively on them at all. You know how insanely huge social media marketing is, so does this company because they have some cool things for that. There aren’t any price points listed on the website but based upon all of the different things that they offer to their clients, we’re willing to bet that the service isn’t cheap. Analyze what you can get from them and make sure that it’s something that makes sense for you and your budget.

Topica seems like a good company that an offline marketer or email list manager can use. So if you are watching over lists for various clients or just for yourself, then this is a good thing to be able to do. Once you get through the part in the beginning where you don’t pay, then you can subscribe. Topica is one of the older email marketing service providers, so they really don’t try to impress with their site design, etc.

As you can see if you do a Google search, lots to see with email marketing service providers. You really should not worry about getting ripped off because they don’t want that kind of bad press. When you’re looking online for this service, search on reviews and things of that nature. If they don’t suit your needs, there are plenty of others out there.

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